CleanAir rings for bag filters, which are used in reverse type filtration and air treatment systems, are available in different shapes: round, oval, and star.
The rings are available with the following finishes: raw, pre-galvanized, with ECO HPC PLUS treatment, and in AISI 304L or 316L stainless steel.
The wire diameters of the rings vary from 3 to 6 mm.
The internal diameter of the rings varies from 90 to 260 mm.
The welds, made in a workmanlike manner and without burrs, are tested with a torque and traction wrench to ensure maximum tightness and quality.

Number of wires available 6-8-10-12-16-18-20-24

Numer of wires available 6-8-10-16

Number of wires available 10-12-16-20